
Hey everybody! I really hope that you enjoy this blog! Thanks a lot for reading!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thoughts From My Brain to Yours

1. I said hi to a person who I thought was someone I knew and weirded her out. A lot.

2. When I walk outside, it feels like there's snot frozen to the inside of my nose, but when I reach up to wipe it away, I realize that my nose is just cold.

3. I just wanna watch Parks and Rec...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Parks and Rec (Minimum number of spoilers)

Okay, people. Let's talk about Parks and Recreation. I love it so much. When you read the premise, it seems like it would be a little out there, and, admittedly, the first season is not as good as the rest of the show. But if you power through those first three or four episodes, it soon becomes apparent that it was worth it. The characters are all so lovable in their own ways. Except for maybe Jerry (or Gary, or whatever his name is).

Another thing I love besides the wonderful characters is all of the great relationships the characters have with one another. Chris Traeger is LIT-TRALLY my favorite person in the world, and I so admire his ability to be so infuriatingly optimistic. Leslie's ability to try her hardest in all that she does is inspiring, as is her love for her town and the people in it, no matter what they say about her. Ben is the hot nerd that I've always wanted to meet, and Leslie and Ben's relationship makes me really happy. Ann Perkins *finger gun point* really is so beautiful, and her and Leslie's relationship also makes me happy (I want to compliment my friends as Leslie Knope does hers). Tom is weird, but endearing in his weirdness, and it turns out that all that awkward "tool" talk (because he does sound like a tool) is a facade for a really nice guy who's just trying to figure things out. April is... scary, but also one of the sweetest characters on the show, and her husband Andy is the cutest, derpiest guy there, but he has one of the biggest hearts; it confuses me how their relationship works, especially near the beginning of it, but it does work, and it makes me wish I had an Andy. Donna seems like kind of a wild card: It makes perfect sense for her to be the one who seemingly tons of guys chase after, and it doesn't surprise me at all when I saw her in the smokehouse, surrounded by handsome men. Go Donna. And I know he's the butt of all the jokes (and that's not even an exaggeration), but Jerry is a surprising character; one day I hope to be as much of a family man as he is.

Not only does the show have some of the most endearing characters in TV, it also never fails to make me laugh. The humor in the show is always light and fun: It rarely relies on crude or bawdy jokes to get a laugh out of me, which I really appreciate. All in all, an excellent watch, if you're looking for something to occupy your free time.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Dude Woman...

Let me explain this name... I thought it was cool. Apparently I was obsessed with the word dude when I created this blog however long ago, and now I think I'm sort of stuck with it. I felt that I should clarify, what with all the hype about Bruce-now-Kaitlyn Jenner. (I do realize that this is basically old news.) Let it be clear that I am a female who loves being female and wishes to remain female. #proud

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm grateful for...

I know this post is kind of late, but I think that you all need to know that there are many things that I'm grateful for. And, since I've sort of become slightly obsessed with poems this month, I will express these wonderful things in a poem, even if I have no idea what kind of poem it is. :) Turkey (in this case, the bird turkey, although the country Turkey is also fabulous, I'm sure) Hats Ankles Nerds (both the people and candy) Kit kat bars Sweet potatoes Gum Invitations to a second Thanksgiving feast :) Vikings Ipods Napolean Dynamite Goosen Though these things are seemingly totally random, I assure you... they're not. They're not the only thing I'm grateful for, either. For example, if the word "Thanksgiving" had a "j" in it, I would tell you that I am extremely grateful for Justin Bieber. The reason? Because his Christmas songs are just brilliant. As well as the fact that he has a killer smile. Just saying. And if the word "Thanksgiving" had a "c" in it, I would say that I'm grateful for chocolate covered raisins. They are fabulous. :) Alright. Now that you all know I'm grateful to be alive on this earth, I will go and brain wash myself with Chris Brown's "Next to You", featuring Justin Bieber. Awww yeah. :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Service Project

So today our ward performed service in the form of "The Great Rake-over." As I hope you can tell, we got into a bunch of groups and went to a bunch of different houses and raked. It was fabulous. I also discovered these neat yellow hand cover-thingys that you use to pick up the leaves. It was pretty fabulous, seeing how they were very effective. I wish I had pictures to show you, but my friends Abby and Mim attacked my brother by hug. It was pretty fantastic. There were a lot of people, and there were supposedly supposed to be treats, but no such sugary confections were to be had. At least, not that we know of. Although (as cheesy as this sounds), doing service is just as rewarding. Plus, we're having Parmesan Chicken for dinner, and canned raspberries on ice cream for dessert. :D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


There is a lot to say about this dear little boy. I think, that I will compose a poem about him, using his name. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that type of poem is called. Loud Eccentric Voracious Idiosyncratic So, there you have it. My little brother is loud, eccentric, voracious, and idiosyncratic. Three of those words, if you'll notice, mean, in some form or other, odd, weird, and strange. By definition: my little brother. :) P.s. This post was inspired by the very subject the lovely poem above is about. Just thought you should know that. Perhaps tomorrow I will post about another family member. Or pianos. Or zombies. Or zombies playing the piano with a family member. Really anything will work. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's the Favorite for the Day?

You want to know what the favorite thing of the day is? Costco. Costco is among the best stores in the entire world. Also the local thrift store is also pretty amazing. Anyway, at Costco, there was this magnificent book all about the film making journey of Harry Potter! What's not to love about that? Besides that they had(have) delicious food to try (let's face it: who doesn't go to Costco just to mooch off their free samples of scrumptious food?) and many people that thought it a bit odd that two kids who should be in school were not. Plus... well, no, that's it. But it was a good time.